Monday, July 28, 2008


Today I was to have lunch at the local coffee house with my friend Lisa. Shortly before I left, Nikky called and asked if I would like to have lunch with her and Sandy. We all met together at the Coffee House. We were having so much fun, laughing and just having a good time.

Then Nikky looked at me. "Do you have the pictures for Tuesday?!", I was not following her at all….

"What pictures?"

She said "Sharon’s pictures"


"Do you remember? The feet?!"


Then I looked at Sandy, "Quick! Take off your shoe! I need a picture of your feet!" Once we explained that we were preparing for April Fool’s Day. She took off her shoe so I could take a picture of her foot, and Lisa let us do the same, they both know Sharon.

Sharon has a foot phobia. She can not stand feet in any way, shape or form. How I found this out was last summer. I had sandals on, and was in the Church Office. My feet were really sore from working a funeral dinner that was being held. I’m like, "Nikky! Rub my feet! They’re sore!" and she said "Ok!"… she never did touch my feet…. It was said in a "joking" moment. Looked to over where Sharon was, and she looked SICK! Like she was going to gag or something and she was doubled over. Somehow it came out how she really hates FEET! Just the mention of feet can throw her over the edge.

So Nikky and I have been taking pictures of feet. We are planning to go in and post the pictures everywhere in Sharon’s area at Church. Put them in folders, in books, around her office… anywhere where she will find them… and hopefully no one else!

So anyhow! Back to lunch. We were cackling away and the local Sheriff came and sat down by us. He’s like "OK ladies! Now you have to start behaving yourselves!" And they all said that they weren’t the problem and proceeded to point at ME! So he told me he was watching me because I looked like trouble. I’ll tell you this… I am as innocent as they come!

So as he was leaving… he was harassing us a bit more (very nice fellow!) and I don’t know why but, I all of the sudden blurted out "Can I take a picture of your feet?!" Sometimes my mouth can be a problem… can’t get the words to go back in after they are spoken! He gave me the oddest look (wonder why?) to which I tried to explain "why"… my friends were cackling away…

Then after he left, my problem with my mouth happened again. We were talking… and they said "Now he’s going to find out where you live! And I said, "Oh… he’s already been to my house." Didn’t think at all about how that would sound.

"OH REALLY?!" they asked.

"Yes," I said, and then realized about how that sounded… and then the words just didn’t come at all! I couldn’t explain at all why he had been to my house!

After stumbling for awhile, I finally mentioned that he was at my house while campaigning… and that I wasn’t home… and…. UGH! Why don’t I just have a "shut off" valve on my mouth!

So shortly after the sheriff left Nikky’s Dad saw us and came to say "Hi!"… I wanted to get some packing peanuts for another friend in California for April Fools day…. So I was to go to his studio after we were done eating to get some, because he has TONS of them! So as I go to leave, and opened the door, all of the sudden the sheriff was walking by… and my friend Nikky? Yelled something, so he came in! With my hand still on the handle of the door. I tried to duck, but it was way too late! He’s like "I knew you were trouble! " and yelled back jokingly to the ladies in the back "Do you want me to take them out of here?" And then he asked me what I was driving… and my friend Nikky ACTUALLY GAVE HIM MY FULL NAME! (He’s her mom’s cousin) I’ll get her later!

So after all of that… I went to get my two HUGE garbage bags of packing peanuts! And was carrying them down the street. Waved at my friends in the coffee shop, was watching for the sheriff the whole time… I looked a bit odd carrying two big bags…. Hurried to the truck…. And WHEW! No Sheriff! Made it home, and now I think I’ll hibernate for a LONG time! Well… till I have to decorate Sharon’s office and mail the box of packing peanuts. Does anyone have a LARGE box? Oh…. And I never did get a picture of the sheriff’s feet! BUMMER!