Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Morning I'll Never Forget....

As posted on Facebook:
My Status Read: Laurel thinks there is nothing like driving through a small town with a halo on. 8:24am - 3 Comments

Alyssa Hanson at 10:05am December 21
Now, see...this is the sort of Facebook status that requires illustration of some sort! ;)

Laurel Fremling at 8:40pm December 21
I know.... Unfortunately, no pictures, no performance... I got a frantic call the moment I arrove at Church this morning that my Father in Law had no pulse... we rushed to the house... but he had passed... He Loved the Lord with ALL his heart which makes it easier, but it was still so very hard.... and I still have glitter falling from my hair on top of it all.

My heart was absolutely breaking... but it had to make you smile to think of him meeting the Lord in all His GLORY! What an AMAZING event to look forward to... just so hard for those of us left behind who loved him so dearly....

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